I never expected this
What can you do when something happens that you never thought would happen to you?
I never expected to be in this situation
I am talking to more and more clients at the moment who are saying the same thing…’I never expected to be in this situation’.
It is heart-breaking to hear and difficult to advise upon when you see people with what would once have been termed ‘a job for life’; people who had jobs they have studied and trained for for years like aircraft engineers and pilots. People with extraordinary work experience behind them, who had their own businesses – salons, bars, cafes – all suddenly going into receivership. Even in January and February of this year all of which would have been safe and flourishing careers and businesses. It is amazing how quickly things can change in life and how quickly the world’s priorities can shift.
Many friends and colleagues, as a result of this crisis and losing jobs, are having to return from overseas work to the UK and Europe where the labour markets are equally as badly affected. Not only are they mourning the loss of a position, but they are having to adjust to a completely new way of life very quickly, having left friends and colleagues behind to start afresh.
We all have outgoings, a lifestyle which was related to the positions we all had, money we no longer have at hand, a lifestyle we can no longer afford. The stress and anxiety this brings is enough on its own. Couple that with the feeling of ‘loss’ and ‘mourning’ for a career & lifestyle which is no longer viable in this current climate means that more and more people are suffering. The future is uncertain enough at the moment, never mind when funds are low and career paths are uncertain.
I think it’s even harder when you were living in a world where change wasn’t something you had to deal with or had foreseen. It is even harder when you sincerely expected to continue the way things were for the foreseeable future because sudden loss is such a shock to the system. Perhaps there is a lesson in there somehow – but not one that will help us now!
What do you do if you are in this situation
· Seek help! Don’t feel like you have to do this on your own. This is a massive change for you and a shock to the system;
· Think about this as an opportunity to do things you have been thinking of for a long time;
· Discuss your financial situation with your bank and a financial advisor – don’t try to handle this alone. Many financial institutions are offering free consultations at the moment, even for those who are not existing customers;
· Write down your thoughts on paper to help get them off your mind and introduce a little perspective;
· Talk to a career guidance counsellor who can guide you through your next steps and may even be able to help with updating your CV etc.
You must believe that things will work out for the best and that there is a pathway for you – breathe and believe. Try to live for the moment and seek solace in the positives you still have in your life. Do not spend time worrying about what might be and what could have been, otherwise you miss what’s right in front of you now. This is an opportunity and people around you can help you to harness this.
We offer Career Coaching packages at heavily discounted rates for people affected by the Covid crisis. We can help you to look at what you wish to achieve in life, set out your goals and priorities, create CVs and incredible Linked In Profiles and introduce you to agents and a network of individuals who can help.
Take that first step now and get in touch for a free consultation, I promise you’ll feel better after just having done the consultation.