What if your International move goes wrong?
Thinking of making the move overseas? I have extensive personal experience of living and working abroad and I believe it is one of the most enriching educational experiences you can ever undertake. It requires a great deal of confidence, breaking the fear factor barrier and wading through lots of bureaucracy but it’s (almost) always worth it!
Dubai - France - Riyadh, A personal journey
Last week on the 3rd of the 3rd after a long 3 years and 3 months, I boarded my first long haul flight in what seemed like an eternity for an avid traveller, en route to Riyadh in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A city in a country I have never ever set foot in before. Time, once again, for a change of pace.
Where do you Work? France, Dubai, The UK…you name it!
Right now I am sitting on a terrace in the South of France enjoying the 20-degree February sunshine. My base is my home here and my office is located in a round tower of the house overlooking the Pyrenees. This morning I have been to Dubai to discuss the complexities of tax consultancy and submit paperwork to an executive assistant for one of the biggest Fortune 500 companies in the world
Working Overseas
One cold winter’s evening I was sat in my freezing cold car eating a cheese sandwich for my evening meal, a sandwich I had made at 6am before leaving to go to my first job of the day. Having eaten lunch and dinner on the hop, I then went to work my evening shift and try to get home at 11pm. Enough was enough - but what could I do to make life better?
Finding Work Abroad
For my new Instagram Live Series I’ll be interviewing Expats from all over the world. Living and working internationally has its own unique trials and tribulations. Topics we’ll be covering include : finding meaningful work, expanding your career, accompanying a travelling spouse, starting your own business and much, much more!
Expat Jobs
This is a post I wrote early in 2021. I think it’s worth sharing again because in certain places throughout the world the job markets are beginning to look very attractive indeed.
28 Remote Working Job Sites
It wasn’t until moving to France that I started to realise the importance of remote working. I had managed satellite teams from Dubai who were in Nepal, India and Pakistan, but we had to meet in person every 3 months. So it never really felt completely remote