Declutter your Smartphone & Kickstart 2022
Declutter your Smartphone and Kickstart 2022
As I close 2021 and write up my new diary for 2022 I can’t help but think about what I can do to kickstart the year in the most organised way possible. Some people believe that you shouldn’t look upon life in this way, you shouldn’t put pressure on yourself by creating goals and new year’s resolutions which may or may not be broken immediately. I, myself, however am a big fan of drawing a line under the past and planning my way forwards – in a sustainable and realistic manner, of course!
Unfortunately this year has started off badly again with the rise of Covid. Who would have believed I would still be writing about this, 2 years on? In France at the moment we have 300,000 cases daily of this new Omicron Variant. My doctor and my neighbours are all in quarantine and I have never heard of so many people I know who have caught it. So instead of going out and running errands I’m in the house planning 2022!
What have I done to organize my 2022 so far?
I started with my smartphone – which is always by my side and from which I run my businesses most of the time. It means that my Screentime is horrendous – so Resolution #1 is to reduce my screentime so something a bit healthier.
1. I downloaded a Smart Cleaning App and have managed to delete more than 5000 photos which were made up of screenshots, duplicates and similar photos. This is a massive task which I’ve been meaning to do for a long time. There are still thousands that need to be deleted but this was a great way to kickstart. In addition to cleaning out my photos, the app also gets rid of contacts that are not required and old calendar invites. I managed to get a 3 day free trial so I would highly recommend doing the same;
2. I went through all my apps and made new folders for everything, deleting everything that is no longer required and trying to be a bit ruthless. Now everything is housed in 12 neatly labeled folders with the ones I use most frequently on the homescreen for easy access. The last thing I did was go through and stop any notifications I didn’t want to receive any more so that I don’t have constant numbers popping up on my phone and distracting me;
3. I went through my Notes and deleted everything except for 3 pages of things I use regularly as well as anything in my Reminders and Wallet;
4. I then went through my email inboxes clearing them out, creating new folders, filing things and being sure to unsubscribe from junk newsletters I don’t read;
5. I went through all my Messaging Apps, got rid of old conversations and archived things I wanted to keep. I am sure not to save photographs from messaging apps so I can save space too.
6. To finish off I added some nice new Wallpaper and having done all of this it feels super cathartic!
All of this is obviously time consuming but decluttering is so useful to get a clear perspective on life. I’m a big fan of the ‘out with the old and in with the new’ mantra!
I thought I’d make you a checklist for Decluttering your Mobile which you might find useful:
New Checklist from C&E HR Consultancy
What have you been doing to kickstart your new years? Have you made any resolutions and what will you do to make sure you stick to them? If you would like some help to plan out your career for 2022 please do not hesitate to get in touch.